Source code for crumbs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015 by Alex Brandt <>
# crumbs is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license.
# See COPYING or

'''Provides an easy to use multi-source parameter container.

:``Parameters``:        Queryable collection of parameters whose values are set
                        by the user.
:``information``:       Miscellaneous information about crumbs (i.e. version).
:``_pyinotify_loaded``: Not technically publically exposed but evaluates as True
                        if pyinotify is successfully loaded and False if not.


import argparse
import copy
import inspect
import logging
import os
import re
import sys
import warnings

    from configparser import SafeConfigParser
    from configparser import NoOptionError
    from configparser import NoSectionError
except ImportError:
    from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
    from ConfigParser import NoOptionError
    from ConfigParser import NoSectionError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger.propagate = False
except:  # noqa: E722
    class NullHandler(logging.Handler):
        def emit(self, record):


_pyinotify_loaded = True
    import pyinotify
except ImportError:
    logger.warn('could not load pyinotify—all inotify behavior ignored')
    _pyinotify_loaded = False

    import builtins
except ImportError:
    import __builtin__ as builtins

if 'ResourceWarning' not in vars(builtins):
    class ResourceWarning(Warning):

[docs]class Parameters(object): '''Queryable collection of parameters whose values are set by the user. Using the normal dictionary lookup mechanism (D[]), one can obtain the user set values for particular parameters (set in command line arguments, configuration files, or environment variables) which have been added to ``Parameters``. The three sources (command line arguments, configuration files, and environment variables) can have values for parameters. When two or more sources define values for the same parameter, the first source (highest precedence) in the following list will provide the value for that parameter: :command line arguments: Values parsed from ``sys.argv``. :configuration files: Values set in registered ``ini`` files. :environment variables: Values set in environment variables. :defaults: Default value (if set for the parameter). Parameters are added via the ``add_parameter`` method. Configuration files that should be searched can be added with the ``add_configuration_file`` method. Environment variables are prefixed with an uppercase program name (``sys.argv[0]``) and uppercased with dots '.' and hyphens '-' replaced with underscores (i.e. ARGV0_GROUP_LONG_OPTION where group may be ommitted if it is 'default'). Before querying for parameters' values, the ``Parameters`` object must have been parsed with the ``parse`` method. Parsing ensures that the command line, configuration files, and environment variables are read and ready to be queried. **Methods** :``__getitem__``: Return a parameter's value. :``__init__``: Initialize and return a ``Parameters`` object. :``add_configuration_file``: Add a file path to be searched for parameter values. :``add_parameter``: Add a parameter to ``Parameters`` object. :``parse``: Prepare ``Parameters`` for queries and ensure parameter values can be found. :``read_configuration_files``: Read all configuration files' values. **Properties** :``defaults``: Dictionary mapping parameter name to default value. Default: {} :``parameters``: Dictionary mapping parameter name to parameter arguments (arguments passed to ``add_parameter``). Default: {}. :``grouped_parameters``: Dictionary mapping parameter group to parameter dictionary (see parameters property). Default: { 'default': {} }. :``configuration_files``: Dictionary mapping configuration file path to an active ``ConfigParser.ConfigParser``. Default: {}. :``groups``: Set of all parameter groups. Always includes at least the 'default' group. Default: set(['default']). :``parsed``: True if ``Parameters`` has been parsed with the ``parse`` method; otherwise, False. Default: False. **Example** Basic ``Parameters`` usage has four stages: 1. Instantiate ``Parameters`` (cf. ``__init__``):: p = Parameters() 2. Add parameters (cf. ``add_parameter``):: p.add_parameter(options = [ '--foo' ]) 3. Parse (cf. ``parse``):: p.parse() 4. Query (cf. ``__getitem__``):: p['foo'] ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): '''Initialize and return a ``Parameters`` object. **Arguments** :``group_prefix``: If True, prefix command line arguments with the group name (i.e. group ← 'foo' and long option ← '--bar' will produce a replacement long option '--foo-bar'); otherwise, leave long options as they are specified. Default: True. :``inotify``: Use pyinotify (if present) to re-read configuration files as they are modified. Default: False. .. note:: All other arguments are directly passed to ``argparse.ArgumentParser`` and are not used by ``Parameters``. ''''STARTING: initializing Parameters object') self.defaults = {} self.parameters = {} self.grouped_parameters = { 'default': {} } self.configuration_files = {} self.groups = set([ 'default' ]) self.parsed = False self._group_prefix = kwargs.pop('group_prefix', True) self._inotify = kwargs.pop('inotify', False) and _pyinotify_loaded self._group_parsers = { 'default': argparse.ArgumentParser(*args, **kwargs) } self._argument_namespace = argparse.Namespace() if self._inotify: self._watch_manager = pyinotify.WatchManager() class EventHandler(pyinotify.ProcessEvent): def my_init(self, configuration_files): self.configuration_files = configuration_files def process_IN_MODIFY(self, event):'re-reading %s', event.pathname) self.configuration_files[event.pathname].read(event.pathname) self._notifier = pyinotify.Notifier(self._watch_manager, EventHandler(configuration_files = self.configuration_files)) self._notifier.coalesce_events()'STOPPING: initializing Parameters object') def __del__(self): '''Prepare for garbage collection. Attempt to stop the ``pyinotify.Notifier`` if inotify is in use. ''' if self._inotify and self._notifier is not None: self._notifier.stop() def __getitem__(self, parameter_name): '''Return the value of the requested parameter (by name). Given the ``parameter_name``, this method returns the found value for that parameter. All three sources are searched for values. The expected value is returned from the highest precedence source containing a value. The ``parameter_name`` must be prefixed with the group name and a dot '.' (i.e. group.long_option where group is the group name and long_option is the longest option in the options for the parameter). The group name can be ommitted if the parameter is a member of the 'default' group. The ``parameter_name`` is insensitive to the difference between hyphens '-' and underscores '_'; thus these characters can be used interchangeably. **Arguments** :``parameter_name``: Name of the parameter whose value is returned. **Return** Highest precedent value found for the requested parameter. ''' if self._inotify and self._notifier.check_events(timeout = 10): logger.debug('events available: %s', self._notifier.check_events())'processing inotifications') self._notifier.read_events() self._notifier.process_events() parameter_name = parameter_name.replace('-', '_')'finding value of %s', parameter_name) if parameter_name not in self.parameters: parameter_name = '.'.join([ 'default', parameter_name ]) if parameter_name not in self.parameters: raise KeyError(parameter_name.replace('default.', '', 1)) if not self.parsed: logger.warn('retrieving values from unparsed Parameters') caller_frame = inspect.stack()[1] caller_module = inspect.getmodule(caller_frame[0]) caller_function = caller_frame[3] caller_line = caller_frame[2] logger.warn('called from %s.%s:%s', caller_module, caller_function, caller_line) warnings.warn('retrieving values from unparsed Parameters', RuntimeWarning) default = self.defaults.get(parameter_name)'default: %s', default) logger.debug('self.paramters[%s][environment_prefix]: %s', parameter_name, self.parameters[parameter_name]['environment_prefix']) _ = '_'.join(parameter_name.replace('default.', '', 1).split('.')).upper() if self.parameters[parameter_name]['environment_prefix'] is not None: _ = self.parameters[parameter_name]['environment_prefix'] + '_' + _ logger.debug('environment variable: %s', _) value = os.environ.get(_, default) try: value = os.path.expandvars(value) except TypeError: pass'environment: %s', value) configuration_value = default for configuration_file_name, configuration_file in self.configuration_files.items():'searching %s', configuration_file_name) try: configuration_value = configuration_file.get(*parameter_name.split('.', 1)) except (NoOptionError, NoSectionError):'%s not found', parameter_name) continue'value: %s', configuration_value) logger.debug('configuration_value: %s', configuration_value) if configuration_value != default: value = configuration_value'configuration: %s', value) argument_name = parameter_name if self._group_prefix: argument_name = argument_name.replace('.', '_', 1) else: _, argument_name = argument_name.split('.', 1) argument_name = argument_name.replace('default_', '', 1) argument_value = getattr(self._argument_namespace, argument_name, default) logger.debug('argument_value: %s', argument_value) if argument_value != default: value = argument_value'argument: %s', value) if value is not None: value = self.parameters[parameter_name]['type'](value) return value
[docs] def add_configuration_file(self, file_name): '''Register a file path from which to read parameter values. This method can be called multiple times to register multiple files for querying. Files are expected to be ``ini`` formatted. No assumptions should be made about the order that the registered files are read and values defined in multiple files may have unpredictable results. **Arguments** :``file_name``: Name of the file to add to the parameter search. ''''adding %s to configuration files', file_name) if file_name not in self.configuration_files and self._inotify: self._watch_manager.add_watch(file_name, pyinotify.IN_MODIFY) if os.access(file_name, os.R_OK): self.configuration_files[file_name] = SafeConfigParser() self.configuration_files[file_name].read(file_name) else: logger.warn('could not read %s', file_name) warnings.warn('could not read {}'.format(file_name), ResourceWarning)
[docs] def add_parameter(self, **kwargs): '''Add the parameter to ``Parameters``. **Arguments** The arguments are lumped into two groups:``Parameters.add_parameter`` and ``argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument``. Parameters that are only used by ``Parameters.add_parameter`` are removed before ``kwargs`` is passed directly to argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument``. .. note:: Once ``parse`` has been called ``Parameters.parsed`` will be True and it is inadvisable to add more parameters to the ``Parameters``. *``Parameters.add_parameter`` Arguments* :``environment_prefix``: Prefix to add when searching the environment for this parameter. Default: os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]). :``group``: Group (namespace or prefix) for parameter (corresponds to section name in configuration files). Default: 'default'. :``options``: REQUIRED. The list of options to match for this parameter in argv. :``only``: Iterable containing the components that this parameter applies to (i.e. 'environment', 'configuration', 'argument'). Default: ('environment', 'configuration', 'argument'). *``argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument`` Arguments* :``name or flags``: Positional argument filled in by options keyword argument. :``action``: The basic type of action to be taken when this argument is encountered at the command line. :``nargs``: The number of command-line arguments that should be consumed. :``const``: A constant value required by some action and nargs selections. :``default``: The value produced if the argument is absent from the command line. :``type``: The type to which the command-line argument should be converted. :``choices``: A container of the allowable values for the argument. :``required``: Whether or not the command-line option may be omitted (optionals only). :``help``: A brief description of what the argument does. :``metavar``: A name for the argument in usage messages. :``dest``: The name of the attribute to be added to the object returned by parse_args(). ''' parameter_name = max(kwargs['options'], key = len).lstrip('-') if 'dest' in kwargs: parameter_name = kwargs['dest'] group = kwargs.pop('group', 'default') self.groups.add(group) parameter_name = '.'.join([ group, parameter_name ]).lstrip('.').replace('-', '_')'adding parameter %s', parameter_name) if self.parsed: logger.warn('adding parameter %s after parse', parameter_name) warnings.warn('adding parameter {} after parse'.format(parameter_name), RuntimeWarning) self.parameters[parameter_name] = copy.copy(kwargs) self.parameters[parameter_name]['group'] = group self.parameters[parameter_name]['type'] = kwargs.get('type', str) self.parameters[parameter_name]['environment_prefix'] = kwargs.pop('environment_prefix', os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) if self.parameters[parameter_name]['environment_prefix'] is not None: self.parameters[parameter_name]['environment_prefix'] = self.parameters[parameter_name]['environment_prefix'].upper().replace('-', '_')'group: %s', group) self.grouped_parameters.setdefault(group, {}).setdefault(parameter_name.replace(group + '.', ''), self.parameters[parameter_name]) action_defaults = { 'store': kwargs.get('default'), 'store_const': kwargs.get('const'), 'store_true': False, 'store_false': True, 'append': [], 'append_const': [], 'count': 0, } self.defaults[parameter_name] = action_defaults[kwargs.get('action', 'store')]'default value: %s', kwargs.get('default')) if 'argument' in kwargs.pop('only', [ 'argument' ]): if group not in self._group_parsers: self._group_parsers[group] = self._group_parsers['default'].add_argument_group(group) if self._group_prefix and group != 'default': long_option = max(kwargs['options'], key = len) kwargs['options'].remove(long_option) kwargs['options'].append(long_option.replace('--', '--' + group.replace('_', '-') + '-')) logger.debug('options: %s', kwargs['options']) self._group_parsers[group].add_argument(*kwargs.pop('options'), **kwargs)
[docs] def parse(self, only_known = False): '''Ensure all sources are ready to be queried. Parses ``sys.argv`` with the contained ``argparse.ArgumentParser`` and sets ``parsed`` to True if ``only_known`` is False. Once ``parsed`` is set to True, it is inadvisable to add more parameters (cf. ``add_parameter``). Also, if ``parsed`` is not set to True, retrieving items (cf. ``__getitem__``) will result in a warning that values are being retrieved from an uparsed Parameters. **Arguments** :``only_known``: If True, do not error or fail when unknown parameters are encountered. .. note:: If ``only_known`` is True, the ``--help`` and ``-h`` options on the command line (``sys.argv``) will be ignored during parsing as it is unexpected that these parameters' default behavior would be desired at this stage of execution. ''' self.parsed = not only_known or self.parsed'parsing parameters') logger.debug('sys.argv: %s', sys.argv) if only_known: args = [ _ for _ in copy.copy(sys.argv) if not re.match('-h|--help', _) ] self._group_parsers['default'].parse_known_args(args = args, namespace = self._argument_namespace) else: self._group_parsers['default'].parse_args(namespace = self._argument_namespace)
[docs] def read_configuration_files(self): '''Explicitly read the configuration files. Reads all configuration files in this Parameters object. Even if inotify is watching or a read has already occurred. .. note:: The order that the configuration files are read is not guaranteed. ''' for file_name, configuration_parser in self.configuration_files.items(): if os.access(file_name, os.R_OK): else: logger.warn('could not read %s', file_name) warnings.warn('could not read {}'.format(file_name), ResourceWarning)